- 作 者: Donald H. Beskind, Anthony J. Bocchino , Oliver Jones , Chen, M , Scragg, R; Taylor, L; Dorset, S; Scragg, J; S , Taylor, G , Stéphane Beaulac , Jay Brecher, B.A., LL.B. , Tracey M. Bailey, B.A., LL.B. & Nola M. Ries , Jeffery Wilson , Vern Krishna CM, Q.C., F.R.S.C., LL.M., DCL, , Kevin P. McGuinness, LL.B., LL.M., S.J.D. , Esther L. Lenkinski, B.A., LL.B., & Alexandra , Hamish C. Stewart, B.A., Ph.D. (Econ.)(Harvar , Milton Davis, B.A., LL.B., Catherine Morin, B
- 出版时间:
- 语 言: 中英对照
- 价 格:
- 序言#/#Preface
- 前言#/#Foreword
- 作者名单#/# Directory of Contributors
- 阿尔及利亚#/#ALGERIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.在阿根廷设立商业组织#/#2.Incorporating a business in Argentina
- 3.阿根廷税收体系#/#3.Argentine Tax System
- 4.劳工立法#/#4.Labor legislation
- 澳大利亚#/#AUSTRALIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.公司的设立#/#2. Formation of a corporation
- 巴西#/#BRAZIL
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.注册要求#/#2.Registration requirements for entities
- 加拿大#/#CANADA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/# 1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立程序#/#2.Incorporation Procedures
- 3.有用的网址#/#3.Useful Websites
- 智利#/#CHILE
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立公司的程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business
- 3.营业执照与许可#/#3.Business license and permits
- 哥伦比亚#/#COLOMBIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.组织形式的主要特征#/#2.Their main characteristics of the above mentioned vehicles
- 哥斯达黎加#/#COSTA RICA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.一般规定#/#2.General aspects
- 3. 成立商业组织的程序#/#3.Procedures for Setting up a Business
- 4.营业执照及许可#/#4. Business Licenses & Permits
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立企业的程序(公司和合作社)#/#2.Procedures for Setting up a Business (Companies and Cooperatives)
- 3.营业执照和许可#/#3.Business Licenses and Permits
- 4.商业登记处登记#/#4.Registration with the Commercial Register
- 5.税务、社会福利、医疗保险和雇主登记要求#/#5. Tax, Social Security Health Insurance and Employer Registration Requirements
- 6.设立有限责任公司基本程序和费用总结#/#6.This table, in simplified form, summarizes the basic procedures and costs associated with setting up a limited liability company:
- 厄瓜多尔#/#ECUADOR
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.其他组织类型#/#2.Other types of organization
- 芬兰#/#FINLAND
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2. 设立公司的程序#/#2. Procedures for setting up a Business
- 3.公司执照和许可证#/#3. Business Licenses and Permits
- 4.小结#/#4.summarizes
- 法国#/#FRANCE
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.税务合并#/#2.Tax consolidation
- 德国#/#GERMANY
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.建立公司/组织的步骤#/#2. Steps to Establishing Companies/ Associations
- 3.许可#/#3.Permits
- 希腊#/#GREECE
- 1.商业组织的类型#/# 1.Types of business organizations
- 2.个人公司的纳税#/#2.Taxation of Personal Companies
- 3. 股份有限公司、有限责任公司和合作企业的纳税#/#3. Taxation of companies limited by shares A.E., companies with limited liability E.P.E. and cooperative
- 危地马拉#/#GUATEMALA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立商业组织的程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business
- 3.营业执照和许可#/#3.Business Licenses & Permits
- 4.小结#/#4.summarizes
- 洪都拉斯#/#HONDURAS
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2. 设立商业组织的程序#/#2.Procedures to set up a Business
- 3.营业许可和执照#/#3.Business permits and licenses
- 中国香港#/#HONG KONG
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 印度#/#INDIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立私营有限公司的程序#/#2.Procedures for incorporating a private limited company
- 3.设立公众型有限公司的程序#/#3.Additional Steps to be taken for formation of a Public Limited Company
- 爱尔兰#/#IRELAND
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.企业设立程序#/#2.Procedures for Setting up a Business
- 3.外国公司登记#/#3. Registration of Foreign Company
- 4.非居民爱尔兰公司#/#4. Non-resident Irish Companies
- 5.最新发展#/#5.Recent Developments
- 6. 营业执照和许可#/#6. Business Licences & Permits
- 7.商业许可#/#7. Business Permission
- 以色列#/#ISRAEL
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.税务及雇主注册要求#/#2. Tax and Employer Registration Requirements
- 3.营业特许或许可#/#3. Business Licenses & Permits
- 意大利#/#ITALAY
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立商业组织的程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business
- 3.营业执照和许可#/#3. Business licenses and permits
- 4.结束语#/#4.Final remarks
- 1.商业组织的类型#/# 1. Types of business organization
- 2.设立商业组织的程序#/#2. Procedures for Establishing a Business
- 3.营业执照和许可#/#3. Business Licenses and Permits
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.商业公司设立程序#/#2. Incorporation procedure for commercial companies
- 3.商业规范#/#3. Business regulation
- 4.会计义务#/#4. Accounting obligations
- 5.国内税收体制#/#5.Domestic Taxation regime
- 马来西亚#/#MALAYSIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.营业执照与许#/#2. Business license and permits
- 墨西哥#/#MEXICO
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2. 设立商业组织的程序#/#2.Procedures to set up a Business
- 3.设立公司的费用#/#3. Costs of Incorporation
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.商业组织的设立程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business organization
- 尼日利亚#/#NIGERIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.具体运作和程序性事务#/#2. Operational and Procedural Matters
- 3.税务事项#/#3.Tax matters
- 秘鲁#/#PERU
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.在秘鲁成立公司#/#2. Incorporating a business in Peru
- 3.费用#/#3.COSTS
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立企业的程序#/#2.Procedures for incorporating a business
- 3.登记费用#/#3. Summary of registration fees
- 波兰#/#POLAND
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立公司的程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business
- 3.营业执照与许可#/#3.Business license and permits
- 俄罗斯#/#RUSSIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/# 1.Types of business organizations
- 2.企业设立程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business
- 3.营业执照和许可#/#3.Business Licenses and Permits
- 沙特阿拉伯#/#SAUDI ARABIA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.法律规制框架#/#2.Regulatory Framework
- 3.设立商业实体的程序/申请备案与费用#/#3.Procedures for Setting up a Business Entity/ Filing and Fees
- 4.税务和雇主登记要求#/#4.Tax and Employer Registration Requirements
- 西班牙#/#SPAIN
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立公司的程序#/#2.Procedures for Setting up a Business
- 3.营业执照和许可证#/#3.Business Licenses and Permits
- 瑞典#/#SWEDEN
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.设立公司的程序#/# 2.Procedures for setting up a Business
- 3.营业执照和许可证#/#3. Business Licenses and Permits
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.成立公司的程序#/#2.Procedures for setting up a business
- 3.商业执照和许可证#/#3. Business license and permits
- 土耳其#/#TURKEY
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.法人的设立#/#2.Incorporating the legal entities
- 3.许可和限制#/#3.The licenses and the restr
- 4.大概的设立期间和设立费用#/#4.Approximate time period and costs
- 5.对新《商法典》草案的评估#/#5.Evaluation of the draft leg
- 乌克兰#/#UKRAINE
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2设立企业的程序#/#2.Procedures for Setting Up a Business
- 3.商业特许和许可证#/#3. Business Licenses and Permits
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2. 在英国设立商业组织——子公司与分支机构的比较#/#2. Establishing a Business in the UK - Comparison between Subsidiary and Branch
- 3.税务#/#3.Tax
- 4.注册#/#4.Registration
- 5. 估计注册所需时间及法律费用#/#5.Estimate of time frame and legal fees
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations
- 2.组建公司的程序#/#2.Procedures for Setting up a Corporation
- 3.公司执照和许可证#/#3.Business Licenses & Permits
- 委内瑞拉#/#VENEZUELA
- 1.商业组织的类型#/#1.Types of business organizations