Search connectors may be used in both Quick Search and Advanced Search.

(1) You can use any of the AND/++, OR/-- or NOT/! buttons to connect the keywords in your search, or key in "AND" or "++", "OR" or "--", "NOT" or "!" to connect the keywords. For example, if you input "foreign investment AND/++ income tax", you will find results which contain both "foreign investment" and "income tax". Please note that one blank space (under DBC case) both before and after the connectors will automatically be added if you use the connector buttons; if you key in the connectors, you should input the extra blanks manually. Connectors such as AND, OR or NOT should be typed in upper case.

(2) You can also use a blank to connect several keywords. For example, if you input a blank between "foreign investment" and "income tax", which means the same as "foreign investment AND/++ income tax", you will find results which contain both "foreign investment" and "income tax".

(3) If you have several keywords, you can use the connectors for many times. For example, "foreign investment ++ income tax ++ enterprise". However, you cannot use different connectors to connect different keywords. For example, "foreign investment -- income tax ++ enterprise" is a wrong use.

You can click on the corresponding buttons to add connectors in the input boxes. and