Select your search terms (a single term or a combination of terms), add them to the form according to the table below and start your search.

Search Method



Applicable Scope

Search by a single term


If you are searching for contents relevant to inheritance tax, enter “inheritance tax” in the Content input box to find all document with “inheritance tax” in the text.

Search for a specific target word or phrase

Search for two terms

“Term 1□++□Term 2” or “Term 1□AND□Term 2” or Term 1□Term 2

If you are searching for the contents relevant to interest tax relevant to foreigners, enter "foreign□++□interest" in the Content input box to find all documents which contain both “foreign” and “interest”. Click on the title to view the full text.

Search for titles, contents, promulgating dates, promulgators or document numbers

Search for either term

"Term 1□--□Term 2" or "Term 1□OR□Term 2"

Enter "foreign□--□interest" in the Content input box to find the documents which contain either “foreign” or “interest”.

Search for titles, contents, promulgating dates, promulgators or document numbers.

Search for a combination of terms

Freely select and combine the terms

If you are searching for the content on income tax relevant to foreigners, you may enter “income tax” in the Title input box and “foreigner” in the Content input box. This will locate documents which contain “foreigner” somewhere in the text and “income tax” in the title.

Accurate search for target results

Search by exclusive terms

"Term 1□!□Term 2" or "Term 11□NOT□Term 2"

Find documents containing Term 1 but excluding Term 2

For refining search results by excluding known unwanted results