Regulations on Administration of Weather Modification

Regulations on Administration of Weather Modification
Regulations on Administration of Weather Modification

Order of the State Council [2002] No. 348

March 19, 2002

The Regulations on Administration of Weather Modification, which was adopted at the 56th Executive Meeting of the State Council on March 13, 2002, is released hereby and shall take effect as of May 1, 2002.

Premier of the State Council Zhu Rongji

Appendix: Regulations on Administration of Weather Modification

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Meteorology Law of the People's Republic of China for the purpose of strengthening the administration of weather modification, and preparing against and mitigating meteorological disasters.

Article 2 Weather modification activities carried out in the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be in conformity with these Regulations.

Article 3 For the purpose of these Regulations, "weather modification" refers to the activities carried out for rain or snow enhancement, hail suppression, rain suppression, fog dispersal, or frost protection by exerting, under appropriate conditions, artificial influence on local atmospheric physical and chemical processes through scientific and technological means, so as to mitigate or avert meteorological disasters and properly exploit climatic resources.

Article 4 The competent meteorological departments shall, in light of the scale and impact of weather modification operations, arrange for the implementation of, direct and administer such operations under the leadership and coordination of local people's governments at or above the county levels in places where such activities are carried out.

Article 5 Work plans for weather modification shall be made for conducting activities in this field. Work plans for weather modification shall be prepared by local competent meteorological departments concerned in consultation with relevant departments at the corresponding levels, and be implemented after submission to and approval by the people's governments at the same levels.
Weather modification conducted under work plans for weather modification approved by the people's governments concerned is of public welfare, and expenses required therefor shall be included into the budgets of the people's governments at the corresponding levels.

Article 6 Weather modification operations shall be implemented under appropriate weather and climatic conditions, while local needs for preparing against and mitigating disasters and results of such operations shall be taken into full account.

Article 7 The State encourages and supports scientific and technological research of weather modification and extended application of advanced technologies thereof.
Local people's governments at or above the county levels shall organize experts to evaluate the effects of weather modification operations, and grant awards to or impose penalties upon relevant units providing basis for decision-making based on the evaluation.

Article 8 Sites for weather modification operations shall be determined by the competent meteorological departments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government jointly with the relevant flight control departments in light of local climatic features and geographical conditions and in accordance with the Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China and the General Flight Rules of the People's Republic of China.

Article 9 Units engaged in weather modification operations shall meet the qualification requirements defined by the competent meteorological departments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Article 10 Persons engaged in weather modification operations may not implement such operations until they have received training and passed the exams organized by the competent meteorological departments of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government.
A copy of the name list of persons engaged in weather modification operations by using anti-aircraft guns and/or rocket launchers shall be sent by the competent meteorological department in the place where they reside to local public security organ for the record.

Article 11 Where anti-aircraft guns and/or rocket launchers are used in implementing weather modification operations, the local competent meteorological departments at or above the county levels in the places where such operations are carried out shall submit an application to the relevant flight control department for air space and time period for the operations.
Where aircrafts are used in implementing weather modification operations, the competent meteorological department of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall submit an application to the relevant flight control department for air space and time period for such operations; the aircrafts needed therefor shall be supplied by the military or civil aviation authorities in a way as determined through consultations by both demanding and supplying parties; the airport authorities and other departments concerned shall provide necessary support according to the work plan for weather modification.
The flight control department concerned shall, upon the receipt of the application, promptly make a decision and give a notice to the applicant.

Article 12 Weather modification operations shall, in strict compliance with the operational norms and procedures formulated by the competent meteorological department of the State Council, be implemented within the approved air space and time period, and be subject to the direction, administration and supervision of local competent meteorological departments at or above the county levels, so as to ensure the safety of the operations.
Where weather modification operations are to be implemented, the local competent meteorological department shall, on the basis of the actual situations, make a public announcement in advance and notify the local public security organ to ensure the safety and security.

Article 13 Meteorological offices and stations in places where weather modification operations are implemented shall, without delay and free of charge, provide the observed meteorological data, information and forecast that are needed for such operations.
Relevant departments in charge of agriculture, water conservancy and forestry shall, without delay and free of charge, provide data relating to the status of disasters, hydrology, fires, etc.
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